
昆沙門天の戰役 三十年一睡の夢 一期の栄華一盃の酒

2010年12月21日 星期二

NTW 陸、海戰God Eyes介紹




Napoleon total war JTW 4v4 onlne (20101218) #1


此戰雙方起初皆排成一字隊形,可惜對手一艘122砲重戰艦(法)過於接近我方艦隊射程遭受擊毀,而我方Alex所率領的五艘高速戰艦(2艘Brig、2艘steam ship、1艘旗艦)發揮相當強大的機動性和火力,快速迂迴並纏住了對手後半部的艦隊,對手也咬住了我方後半部的140砲巨艦,形成雙方互相吞時尾部的局面,然而一開始對手擊損失一艘重戰艦,使得情勢始終對我方有利,過程中我方Alex的高速戰艦群遇到對手中央部分的艦隊激烈反擊而毀滅,140砲巨艦雖一度在僚艦的火力支援下脫離險境,但最後仍被緊追不捨的對手擊潰;對手則損失艦隊後半部的所有船隻,只剩Mars的2艘主力艦("十字"丹麥)和SeedCard的122砲重戰艦(法)。







2010年11月28日 星期日

NTW 海戰精采片段(editing)

1.以下六張圖是Jack Sparrow與正規海軍的驚險戰鬥,九死一生的Jack由失意到終於良心發覺、親率旗艦與122gun的法國海軍大戰,最後迫使對手投降,並且俘虜一艘護衛艦!







Replay Download(Top Gun)

2. 面對喜歡躲貓貓的老外,Ueusgy以自身為餌誘使對手兩艘戰艦逼近,藉著順風之便趨下攔截對手的艦隊,纏鬥之中CoolJack兩艘戰艦前來支援Uesugy,對手見狀想拉遠與Jack的距離,但逆風加上與Ueusgy的激戰使對手決定與Uesugy決一勝負!最後Uesugy兩側強大的火砲同時齊射,瞬間瓦解了對手的兩艘戰艦,獲得勝利!

Replay Download(get ships)


2010年10月18日 星期一

NTW 激鬥!!加里西亞哨堡爭奪戰!



Dragon Age1804 in October,  the chief of WTFM, widely known as the "bravest" GzZ, had argued severely with one of his subordinates named Koyason. After the event Koyason was back to his domain Calician and led his people be part from the union WTFM. He refused any kind of GzZ's order. With strongly fury, GzZ summoned his nearby warlords HIRO and seedCard and assembled a huge army to war at Koyason. Be afraid of the coming enemy led by GzZ, Koyason sent the emissary for asking military assistance as soon as possible. CoolJack, the people called him "Madness", was a great general served as many battles. He soon got the message from the Calician. In order to prevent taking too much damage on his military forces in the conflict of WTFM, he thought seriously and need at least one more army to support his campaign. Therefore he found the new rising forces led by Uesugy, which eveyone called him "R2." "Sure, it's a great opportunity to kick GzZ's ass. How can't I miss this?" replied to Jack's emissary by Uesugy. After few days, three armies severally led by Koyason, CoolJack and Uesugy, converged in Calician and concluded a treaty called "Calician Military Alliance." They stood against the invasion of union WTFM.



While WTFM army arrived to the border of Calician, they found a strong army stationed on the main road in the distance. Finally they had found that Koyason, CoolJack and Uesugy were allied. This message made GzZ fierce that he ordered army to quickly assault and capture the six forts in front of them, and then directly go into deep side and seize Calician capital. These six forts were belong to Calician Defence. They were 2 lines of defence and each line of defence was consisted of 3 forts separated in order to prevent the "Blitzkrieg attack" from the enemy. If the Blistzkrieg attack succeeded, they might easily threaten the security of Calician capital. Nevertheless, as the name of WTFM solders, they quickly captured nearby three forts without any timidity. Fortunately, the artillery of the union began to fire and bomb at WTFM legions forced to slow down their assault on the second line of forts.       



WTFM stopped the assault temporarily for regrouping the army, divided into 3 parts of left wing, right wing and the centre. The right wing was taken commanded by GzZ, left wing by seedCard and the centre by HIRO. The other side the right wing was for Uesugy, left wing for Koyason and the centre for CoolJack. Both sides moved forward and began to fire. There was no way for the coward to run. The scene of fierce fighting started at southeastern fort because merely weak union forces stationed there, and as the main reinforcement of southeastern fort, the legion of Uesugy still moved slowly. Instead of the main army, he sent the 17th jagers corp as a emergent reinforcement to the fort. Therefore, as the command of the legion of WTFM right wing, seedCard had seen the light to the victory and lead his army through the forest, and then go directly to the southeastern. He wanted to take it quickly before Uesugy came. The centre of WTFM had opened fire at the union forces in the forest but nothing advance further. The left wing of WTFM's command GzZ had been stopped by the hill, it was a open ground and easily bombed by the enemy artillery. At last the "bravest" GzZ could only stood under the shinny sun and stared at the enemy in a fit of rage.



In the meantime, the vanguard of seedCard's main force had reached the distance of mere fifty meters from southeastern fort. The scout went forward for exploring and found that there was no sign of human being. However, while the soldier would like to approach more to the fort, a crack suddenly hit the head of the soldier and took him down forever. The fact was obvious the legion of 17th jagers, which served as Uesugy, didn't abandon their duty. They were all the best of the best snipers and they had already waited the prey for a long time and. First, they hided in the fort and waited for the enemy approach. Then, they suddenly showed up and constantly fired the fatal bullets at the enemy one by one who would no way to hide. To see his men fell down constantly by the snipers, SeedCard roared deeply and ordered his captain to full attack. The toughest and the loyal of WTFM's soldiers surge to the fort!



The sky was trembled with tear, and the land was shaken by the shadow of the army. The red coat shouted irritatingly. They didn't mind the dead nearby but only cared the goal - taking the fort in front of them was the priority. Though Uesugy's soldiers shot down lots of enemy, the red coat was like the huge tide over the barrage and came to the fort. Finally the first red coat reached the entrance and broke the front door. Soon they went into the fort and engaged the jagers. It seemed the fort would be taken control by the red coat. However, it was luck for the union that the main force of Uesugy's had come just in time. Uesugy was shocked by the scene made by the red tide, but he soon steady and ordered his favorite artillery group, called jokingly "the Death of God Rope" , to stand by for the target. Then, he said, "Fire!" The artillery fired as the angle of elevation of forty five degrees with the raging fire. The iron balls from the cannon flied beyond the sky and fell under the head of the enemy within five meters. The iron balls was suddenly exploded and divided into many small iron balls, and they spread out in all directions. The soldiers of WTFM nearby iron balls were killed immediately. However, as the previous what I said, they were brave soldiers that even the iron balls couldn't stop them. In a moment most of the spaces of southeastern fort had been captured by WTFM and the 17th jagers was almost eliminated. It was bad situation Uesugy saw. He was hasty to deploy the defence line and send the unit to aid the garrison at the same time. Nevertheless, the reinforcement was welcomed immediately by the bayonet held by the WTFM soldiers. The harsh fight began.



The fight of the left wing inspired the centre of command HIRO. He ordered his men to fired at well and proceeded into the forest where they were fighting to CoolJack's soldiers. At the right wing Koyason ordered the skirmisher to irritate and attract GzZ for attack. Unfortunately, GzZ's army, different from other two friendly legions, had even neither move or open fire at the skirmisher. What was the reason made easy-anger GzZ tolerate such a dishonor? Actually, according to the memoir written by GzZ's staff, we could find that because of the sunshine, our lovely marshal GzZ had suffered heat exhaustion and moved to the northwestern fort just captured for a rest. It might be the great fortune because the move avoided the danger of the chasing Koyason's skirmisher. 



At southeastern fort, the situation had been changed to deadlocked because of the arrival of the Uesugy's main force. Before going to invade Calician, marshal GzZ and his staff reached the consensus that there was only Koyason's force against their three legions, and Koyason would be overpowered easily. In order to approach Koyason's territory and take control the situation as soon as possible, they decreased the equipment as they could for the speed. Now under the lack of heavy weapons and ammos, seedCard could only send infantry to force attack, and he ordered the light cavalry to search around the fort and harass the Uesugy's reinforcement. Despite WTFM cavalries drove out many enemy forces, Uesugy's forces seemed unstoppable and came to the fort constantly. At last a troop of Uesugy's guard break through the seedCard's defend line and rushed into the fort. They fought to enemy and tried to search the survivors of the 17th jagers. However, these tough guys soon disappeared in the crowd of red coat. Later another troop fought and came to the front door of the fort, where we saw more and more Uesugy's soldiers. At this time the firearm was useless. Who would be the winner depended on their bayonet-skilled and combat. This formed a great mess war between the red coat and the green coat!



The battle was fericious than we thought at the southeast fort. Both sides fought just for a piece of place. It seemed the victory would be someone if one of both took more advantages. At this time the union sent more artilleries to support Uesugy. They began to open concentrated fire at the fort area, making lots of damage to the red coat. However, sometimes what happened to the friendly artillery fire was inevitable. Such as the 3rd guard regiment of Uesugy's legion had suffered above 60 percent of wounded and dead because of the friendly artillery fire. Nevertheless, in contrast to the rival, Uesugy's legion was much more better. The situation was terrible which made seedCard nervous and confused. He finally played his ace to the battlefield - they were highland footmen. The regiment was came from the British island at the mighty ocean. Since the childhood they had lived at an elevation of 500 meters high ground with cold weather. Under the severe environment they developed a skillful combat for the survival. Their first show in the battlefield made enemy defeated greatly and gained the title "the toughest" from the enemy. They were the elite troops in the WTFM. The highland infantry carried the rifle, raised the flag and jumped into the battlefield. Many solders served as Uesugy had been beaten easily by the highland infantry. Their bravest shocked the enemy and promoted the morale of friendly units. Further more, WTFM gradually forced the Uesugy legion to give up the fort. It seemed that the union would lose the battle. Uesugy murmured and frowned with concentration, and for a while he waved his right hand toward the cuirassier and asked them to join the fight. The cuirassier wore the 5 centimeter thick iron armor, took the famous forge-made saber and rode the dark brown warhorse, running and raising the dust on the ground, and the horse hoofs made the astonishing sound. The cavalry regiment formed a triangle formation, charging rapidly in to the red tide as thunder, and they torn a huge gap extending constantly. WTFM was shocked at the begin, and then they was shaken. Until feeling scared made they try to route finally. The WTFM's soldiers escaped from the battlefield one by one. Though the highland foot regiment put up a last-ditch struggle, the situation had been done. After several moments, Uesugy had won the battle and declared his victory at southeastern fort!          


        此時東南哨堡的消息以逐漸傳開到各個戰區,造成WTFM士氣低迷,中軍的HIRO與左翼軍團的GzZ眼見大勢已去,命令將士們執行玉碎戰術,高喊「萬歲」的WTFM士兵衝向聯軍防線,展開了最後壯烈的戰鬥。過了不久,WTFM攻勢漸鈍,開始往後撤退,HIRO敗逃,而GzZ在撤退時不慎被哈薩克騎兵逮到,留下「I WILL BE BACK」的豪語後,被送往俄羅斯博羅迪諾州的一間修到院,遭到拘禁的命運。

The rumor had been spread out to all of the war zone. The rest of WTFM legions had no confident while hearing about the defeat of the southeastern fort. To see the bad situation made HIRO and GzZ lost confident,too. They ordered their subordinates to fight to the death for honor. The soldiers yelled "banzai", meant "hail to the king", and they charged to the union's defend line. The fighting was heroic and short. Later WTFM's assault had been failed, and they began to retreat. HIRO flee from the battlefield. Unluckily GzZ was captured by cossack cavalry while retreating. After GzZ left a adage "I will be back", he was sent to the abbey at Borodino state in Russia and imprisoned. For now. 


Replay Download (GzZ Banzai)
Replay放置位址〉 Win7使用者: C:\Users\使用者名稱\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Napoleon\replays

(本篇持續更新~Stay Tuned~)

2010年10月17日 星期日

NTW CWC Spring Championship Final Match Review IV.













CWC Spring Championship Final 1st. Replay Download(Aggony vs Dragon 2 CWC Finals)

NTW CWC Spring Championship Final Match Review III.












NTW CWC Spring Championship Final Match Review II.

第三戰是雙方最後一場戰鬥,這場由結果得知是Aggony獲得勝利並抱走了冠軍獎杯。Aggony這隊呢可以說是歷史相當悠久的團隊,大約五年前的MTW(Medievil Total War)甚至更久的時候就有成員在網路上活動了,並且陸續參加了CWC的各個賽事,所以他們的團戰技巧應該可以說非常的細膩和熟練,也很擅長打這種國際賽事。至於他們的對手Le Royal Dragon,有關他們的資訊不詳,應該是新成立的團隊,然而在CWC新團隊打倒許多著名隊伍而獲得冠軍的例子也是時有所聞,所以不論歷史悠久的或是新成立的團隊在比賽中絲毫不敢大意。


一開始雙方皆利用大砲來爭取行動上的優勢,甚至試圖運用步兵與騎兵來摧毀對手的大砲,可以說這場勝負的關鍵在於大砲的使用技巧上,雙方的步兵陣線可以說是來來回回的變換,以降低軍隊的損傷,而騎兵發動衝鋒的時機也因此變得非常微妙,騎兵在Napoleon Total War雖然易受火槍的傷害,但只要投入作戰的時機恰當,仍是作為突破對方防線的有效手段。













